Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Have a go - No!

Given the recent utterances of Jack Straw, Superhero - next time I'm cut up on my bike by an arrogant BMW driver who doesn't mind casually killing me, presumably it'll be alright by his worthiness if I chase the driver down to the next set of lights and beat the living crap out of them?

Seriously though, many kids are brought up to think that canal boats are for playing on (be they lived-upon or otherwise). Some of my erstwhile colleagues have told me about all the high jinks they got up to on boats "well you do at that age" kind of thing. So if anyone sets about with a crowbar against some 12 year old chav without even giving them a chance to explain themselves or run away deserves anything the penal system can (still) throw at them, having proved themselves to be an utter thug.



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